Japanese Fungi on Plants No.31 before next top

Drechslera phlei (Graham) Shoem.
Classification: Deuteromycotina, Hyphomycetes

Distributed mainly north from Kanto, the central Distr. Causes leaf blight in timothy. Sometimes isolated from other grasses or gramineous weeds. Disperses by scattering conidia. Teleomorph unknown.

Characteristics: Plant pathogen   Symptom: JPEG (Timothy, Leaf blight, 37kb)

 Teleomorph: Unknown
 Anamorph: Conidiophores pale brown to yellow brown. Producing conidia of straight or slightly curved, pale yellow to olive brown, obclavate, widest in the 2nd cell, 50-90(240) x 12-17 um in size, with 4-6 pseudosepta.


Herbarium specimen in NIAES

Specimen No. Scientific name Host name Host scientific name Symptoms Geographical origin Collected date Collector
135-1-19 Drechslera  phlei Timothy Phleum  pratense Leaf blight Kunneppu, Hokkaido 2002.8.27 Tsukiboshi, T.

(Described by Tsukiboshi, T., NIAES, Microbial Systemtics Lab., 2002)

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