前の記事 目次 研究所 次の記事 (since 2000.05.01)
情報:農業と環境 No.91 (2007.11)

NIAES 国際シンポジウム

農業環境技術研究所が主催する、NIAES 国際シンポジウム 「モンスーンアジア農業生態系における侵略的外来生物の実態と制御」 が、2007年10月22日 (月曜日) と23日 (火曜日) の2日間にわたって、つくば市内のエポカルつくば(つくば国際会議場)で開かれました。


会期中の講演は、9か国から17題 (米国(1)、英国(1)、タイ(2)、台湾(1)、中国(2)、フィリピン(1)、ベトナム(1)マレーシア(1)、日本(7))、ポスターセッションは24件の発表があり、両セッションを通じて活発な意見交換が行われました。総合討論では、3名の出席者からコメントがありました。さらに、外来生物の調査に関連して、市民科学者からいかにして協力を得るか、侵入植物への対策、侵入小動物(スクミリンゴガイ)の除草への有効利用、外来生物の発生源である南米諸国の研究者を交えた討論会の開催の提案、今後の国際連携などについても意見交換が行われ、有意義でした。




October 22   9:00-18:00

chair by Kazuo Hirai

 9:30 Opening Message

NIAES President, Dr. Yohei Sato

 9:40 The Biology and Ecology of Invasive Species−the Importance of International Collaboration in Predicting the Spread of Invasive Species

Prof. John Silander, Connecticut Univ. USA

chair by Yoshiharu Fujii

10:30 A Review on Invasive Plants in Malaysia

Prof. Baki Hj Bakar, Univ. of Malaya, Malaysia

11:10 Invasive Alien Plants and Their Integrated Management in China

Dr. Sheng Qiang, Nanjing Agric. Univ, China

11:50 Break, Poster session

chair by Tomoko Nishida

13:15 Risk Assessment of Alien Plants and Their Control-Report from Japanese National Project

Dr. Yoshiharu Fujii, NIAES, Japan

13:45 Research on Alien Plants in Tropical Asia: Thailand

Dr. Siriporn Zungsontiporn DOA, Thailand

chair by Hiroaki Ikeda

14:25 Development of RuLis and its Application for Survey of Invasive Alien Plants

Drs. Yoshinobu Kusumoto, Shori Yamamoto and Yoshinori Tokuoka, NIAES, Japan

14:55 Asian Invasion: Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera Royle) in Britain

Dr. Owen Smith, Univ of Plymouth,UK

15:35 Questions and Answers、Ikeda and Fujii

15:50 Group Photo for participants

chair by Akihiro Konuma, Mitsuo Horita, and Atsushi Mochizuki

15:50-18:00 Poster session、Workshop for APASD, with Mixer

October 23   9:00-17:30

chair by Koichi Tanaka

 9:00 Invasive Insects in Japan: Current Status and Risk Assessment

Dr. Atsushi Mochizuki, NIAES, Japan

 9:30 Status of Invasive Alien Insect Pests in China: Species, Impacts, and Management

Prof. Run Jie Zhang, Drs. Xie Qi, Zheng Jihuan, Hu Jian and Shen Ke, ZhongshanUniv. China

10:10 Occurrence of Opogona sacchari in Japan

Dr. Shin-ichi Yoshimatsu, NIAES, Japan

10:40 Break, Poster session

chair by Shori Yamamoto

11:00 Utilization of Native Predatory Fly,Coenosia exigua (Diptera: Muscidae), for Biocontrol of Liriomyza huidobrensis

Dr. Amporn Winotai, DOA, Thailand

11:40 Biological Control: An Ecological Approach to Manage Invasive Pest Insects

Dr. Takatoshi Ueno, Kyushu Univ. Japan

12:20 Break, Poster session

chair by Atsushi Mochizuki

13:40 Alien Invasive Species in Vietnam

Dr. Dang. Thi Dung, Hanoi Agric. Univ, Vietnam

14:05 Invasion of the Coconut Hipine Beetle, Brontispa longissima: Current Situation and Control Measures in Asia

Drs. Kazuhiko Konishi1, Satoshi Nakumura2 and Keiji Takasu3

1 National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region,
2 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences,
3 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

14:35 Current Status and Management of Red Imported Fire Ants in Taiwan

Dr. Ker-Chung Kuo, BAPHIQ, Taiwan

15:15 Break, Poster session

chair by Kazuo Hirai

15:40 Expansion of the Invasive Feshwater Mussel, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mytilidae) in Japan

Dr. Kenji Ito, NIAES, Japan

16:10 Golden Apple Snails and Rice Black Bugs in the SE Asia

Dr. R. C. Joshi, Philrice Philippines

16:50 General Discussion

Invasive Plants and Ecology

Dr. Tetsukazu Yahara, Kyushu Univ. Japan

Invasive Alien Snails: what did imprudent introductions of snails bring about ?

Dr. Takashi Wada, Kyushu Okinawa National Agricultural Research Center

IAS: Issues and International Cooperation

Dr. Kazuo Hirai, NIAES, Japan

17:30 Closing address

Vice President, Dr. Masako Ueji

Photograph: Participants to the NIAES International Symposium 2007

Photograph:  Participants to the NIAES International Symposium 2007

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