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情報:農業と環境 No.119 (2010年3月1日)


MARCOシンポジウム2009 「モンスーンアジアにおける農業環境問題と研究の課題」が2009年10月につくば市内で開催され、26か国から445名が参加して、全体会議と5つのワークショップで活発な論議が繰り広げられました。


2010年2月に、このワークショップ2での発表の内容が冊子 「Crop Production under Heat Stress: Monitoring, Impact Assessment and Adaptation, Proceeding of the MARCO Symposium 2009 (Edited by Hasegawa T. and Sakai H.)」(PDFファイル 39 MB) にまとめられました。農環研公式Webサイトで公開され、どなたでも読むことができます。



Plenary Session - Proceeding

An International Collaborative Research Network Helps to Design Climate Robust Rice Systems

H. Meinke, L. Bastioms, B. Bouman, M. Dingkuhn, D. Gaydon, T. Hasegawa, AB. Heinemann, P. Kiepe, T. Lafarge, D. Luquet, A Masood, P. van Oort, J. Rodenburg, J. Yan, X. Yin

Oral Session - Proceedings

Research on Heat Stress ofRice in China: Progress and Prospect

X. Tian, H. Luo, H. Zhou

Rice Productivity in India under Variable Climates

M. P. Singh

Current Situation on Rice Production and Heat Stress Needed to Be Serious for Future Myanmar

T. T.Myint

The Current Situation in the US Rice Industry and the Results from Night Temperature Effects

L. Tarpley, AR Mohammed

Out-crossing of Heat Stress Affected Spikelets of Lowland Rice in the Sub-humid Zone of Sri Lanka and Its Long-term Implications

W.M.W. Weerakoon, T. Abeywickrama, W.A.J.M. de Costa, A Maruyama

Effects ofHigh Temperature on Yield and Grain Quality ofRice in Taiwan

H.S. Lur, Y.c. Wu, S.J. Chang, c.L. Lao, c.L. Hsu, M. Kondo

Recent Warming Trends and Rice Growth and Yield in Japan

T. Hasegawa, T. Kuwagata, M. Nishimori, Y. Ishigooka, M. Murakami, M. Yoshimoto, M. Kondo, T. Ishimaru, S. Sawano, Y. Masaki, H. Matsuzaki

Rice Production inAustralia: Responses to Short- and Long-Term Climatic Fluctuations

R Reinke, P. Snell, L. Wade

Multi-site Monitoring ofHeat Stresses and Micrometeorological Conditions in the Rice Plants Communities under Various Climates - The Micrometeorological Measurements System for a Common Measure of the Paddy Environments -

M. Yoshimoto, M. Fukuoka, T. Hasegawa, X Tian, M.P. Singh, T.T.M. Daw, W.M.W. Weerakoon, T. Lafarge, H.S. Lor, L. Tarpley, T. Matsui, K. Kobayasi, T. Kuwagata

Flower Opening Time in Rice - Cultivar Difference and Effect ofWeather Factors -

K. Kobayasi, H. Masui, Y. Atsuta, T. Matsui, M. Yoshimoto, T. Hasegawa

Oral Session - Abstracts

Adapting the Rice Crop to Hotter Environments: Current and Future Activities at IRRI

T. Lafilrge, M. Fitzgerald, S. Heuer, G.I. Howell, I.S.V. Krishna, T. Li, S. Peng, E. Redoiia, K. Sum±leth, R Wassmann

Physiologieal and Molecular Approaches to Address Heat Tolerance during Anthesis in Rice

S.v.K. Iagadisb, P.Q. Craufurd, R Muthorajan, T.R Wheeler, ROane, I. Bennett, S. Heuer

Rice Anther Tolerant to High Temperatores at Flowering Period

T. Matsui

Responses of Rice Grain Setting and Filling under High Temperature and High CO2

H. Sakai, W.G. Cheng, T. Hasegawa

Responses to Elevated Temperature in Rice and Wheat

L. Wade

Extrapolating Crops to New Climatic Environments: Grey Zones of Knowledge and Research Needs for Modelling

M. Dingkuhn

Has the Impact ofTemperature on Wheat Production from Global Warming Been Underestimated?

S. Asseng, I. Foster, N.C. Turner

The GECROS Model and its Application for Assessing Impacts ofClimate Change on Crop Production

X. Yin

Simulating Breeding Systems for Climate Change

S.C. Chapman, K. Chenu, G. McLean, G.L. Hammer, M. Dieters, J. Wang

Modelling Rice Phenotypic Plasticity in Diverse Climates Using EcoMeristem: Model Evolution and Applications to Rice Improvement

D. Luquet, J.C. Soulle, T. Lafarge, M. Dingkubn

Phenology Modelling in ORYZAlOOO: Issues and Prospeets

PAJ. van Oort, H. Meinke

Canopy Micrometeorological Model for Climate Change Impact Study

M. Yosbimoto, T. Matsui, K. Kobayasi, H. Nakagawa, M. Fukuoka, T. Hasegawa

Evaluating the Effect ofUncertainty in the Climate Scenario on Future Prediction ofRice Production in Asia

S. Sawano, T. Hasegawa, T. Kuwagata, Y. Ishigooka, J. Shindo

Poster Session - Abstracts

Recent Monsoon Rainfall Dynamics and Productivity ofBasmati Rice in Haryana State ofIndia

S. Singh, D. Singh, R. Singh

Identifying Heat-tolerant Rice GenebankAccessions

E.D. Redoila, MA Laza, S.N. Sierra, O.E. Manangkil, W.V. Barroga

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