農業環境技術研究所 最終更新日: 2011年1月11日 NIAESロゴ


11月2日(火曜日) 気象談話会(第508回)
11月5日(金曜日) 気象談話会(第509回)
11月24日(水曜日) 農業環境インベントリーセンターセミナー(第7回)
11月26日(金曜日) 生物多様性領域セミナー(第4回)


日時: 平成22年11月2日(火) 
場所: 153会議室
テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Evapotranspiration and energy exchange in flooded and aerobic rice fields in the Philippines Ma. Carmelita R. Alberto
(International Rice Research Institute)
電話 838-8206

The seasonal and annual variability of surface energy components, evapotranspiration, crop coefficient, and crop water productivity were investigated under two different rice environments: flooded and aerobic soil conditions, using the eddy covariance technique during 2008-2009 cropping periods. This study was intended to monitor the environmental impact, in terms of evapotranspiration and energy exchange, of shifting from lowland rice production to aerobic rice cultivation as an alternative to maintain crop productivity under water scarcity.

Average of four cropping seasons, the available energy (Rn-G) was partitioned to 82.5 ± 3.3% latent heat flux (LE) and 11.6 ± 2.2% sensible heat flux (H) for the flooded rice field while it was 76.6 ± 1.1% latent heat flux (LE) and 18.3 ± 0.7% sensible heat flux (H) for the aerobic field. The aerobic rice fields had 53% more sensible heat flux while flooded rice fields had 11% more latent heat flux. Consequently, the aerobic rice fields had higher Bowen ratio (0.22 ±0.02) than flooded fields (0.14 ± 0.04), indicating that a larger proportion of the available energy was used for sensible heat transfer or for warming the surrounding air.

The aerobic rice field had lower average growing season evapotranspiration (ET) rates (3.68 ± 0.26 mm d-1) than the flooded field (4.12 ± 0.20 mm d-1). The ET rates in aerobic rice fields were influenced more by net radiation and bulk surface conductance (Gs) while the flooded rice fields were primarily controlled by net radiation. The crop coefficient Kc (=ET/ ETo and ETo is the reference ET) of aerobic fields (0.97 ± 0.04) was lower than that of flooded rice fields (1.09 ±0.07).

However the crop water productivity (WPET), defined as the grain yield per unit of water evapotranspired, of aerobic rice (0.40-0.48 g grain kg-1 water) was lower than that of flooded rice (0.93-1.54 g grain kg-1 water). Even if the average growing season evapotranspiration rate of the aerobic rice fields was about 10% lower than that of the flooded fields, but the yield of the aerobic rice was much lower than that of the flooded rice, so, the WPET of aerobic fields was about 60% lower than that of the flooded rice fields. The concept of aerobic rice holds promise as a water-saving technology in the tropics if water productivity could be enhanced through the development of aerobic rice varieties that can achieve high yields per unit evapotranspiration. Likewise, to reduce sensible heat transfer that brings warmer aerobic rice environment, the amount and timing of irrigation input should also be optimized so as to prevent extreme dry soil conditions.

The results of this investigation showed significant differences in energy budget between flooded and aerobic rice ecosystems. This information should also be taken into consideration in evaluating alternative water-saving technologies for environmentally sustainable rice production systems.


日時: 平成22年11月5日(金) 
場所: 547会議室
テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Soil respiration and soil carbon allocation in Congo Daniel EPRON
(ナンシー大学・INRA Champenoux 森林生理生態学研究室)
電話 838-8206

A better understanding of genetic and environmental control on carbon allocation is required for accurately predicted tree yield, especially in marginal area where plantations are thought to extent.

In Congo, the wood production was twice higher in the most productive clone compared to the less productive one. This was due to a higher aboveground net primary productivity (NPP), the surplus being allocated to wood production. In addition, an increase in leaf lifespan reduced the amount of carbon allocated to leaf production. Similar conclusions can be drawn when comparing K+ fertilised and control stand in Brazil where most of the surplus of aboveground NPP in fertilised plots was allocated to wood production and where leaf lifespan was also increased. Soil respiration increased with increasing NPP reflecting that more carbon is allocated belowground.

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Carbon allocation belowground in Pinus Pinaster using stable carbon isotope pulse labeling technique 壇浦 正子
電話 838-8206


(平成22年度 第7回)

日時: 平成22年11月24日(水)
場所: 547会議室
テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Estimation of Soil Carbon Stock in Japanese Agricultural land using Agro-Environmental Inventories and geostatistical method
高田 裕介
電話 838-8272


(平成22年度 第4回)

日時: 平成22年11月26日(金) 
場所: 453会議室
テーマ 講演者 連絡先
寄生蜂コナガサムライコマユバチの化学情報利用 釘宮聡一
電話 838-8312

寄生蜂は様々な手掛かりを用いて寄主昆虫を探索している。"匂い (揮発性成分)" は寄主探索の重要な手掛かりとなる情報化学物質のひとつである。1970年代頃から、植物は植食性昆虫による食害を受けると特異的な揮発性成分を誘導的に生産・放出し、その匂いによって植食性昆虫の天敵である寄生蜂が誘引されてくる、ということが様々なモデル系で示されてきた。アブラナ科植物-コナガ(植食性昆虫)-コナガサムライコマユバチ(寄生蜂)三者系もそのひとつであり、難防除害虫のコナガに対して植物由来の揮発性成分を活用した害虫管理技術の開発が期待されている。本セミナーでは、コナガサムライコマユバチが寄主を探索する際にどのような植物揮発性成分を用いているのか、また、それらの化学情報をどのように利用して(あるいは利用しないで)うまく振舞っているのかについて、これまでの研究で新たに分かってきたことを紹介する。

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Geographic variation in male antagonism and male weapon morph
( ?農環研・JSPS特別研究員 )
電話 838-8312



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独立行政法人 農業環境技術研究所
305-8604 茨城県つくば市観音台 3-1-3