
最終更新日: 2013年11月日




11月19日(火曜日) 生態系計測研究領域セミナー

11月22日(金曜日) 平成25年度 第4回 有機化学物質研究領域セミナー

11月28日(水曜日) 第5回 有機化学物質研究領域セミナー

11月28日(水曜日) 第539回気象談話会


日時: 平成25年11月19日(火曜日)
場所: 547会議室

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
データ同化手法を用いたモデルの精緻化とその応用例 櫻井 玄 氏
電話 838-8224

1. 土壌中の二酸化炭素発生量の鉛直プロファイルの推定
 大気中の二酸化炭素濃度の増加にともなう温暖化によって、土壌炭素の分解が促進され、気候変動に対して正のフィードバックを起す可能性が指摘されている。それにともない、気候変動によって土壌の二酸化炭素発生量がどのように変化するのかを推定することの重要性が増してきている。しかしながら、土壌の深さによってどの程度二酸化炭素の発生量が異なるのかについての研究は極めて少ない。本研究では、岐阜県高山市で2005年から測定されている土壌二酸化炭素濃度の時系列 (土壌表面から5cm、10cm、20cm、50cm深で測定) に対して、粒子フィルター法を適用し、不確定要素の時間変化も考慮したうえで、土壌二酸化炭素発生量プロファイルを推定する手法を提案する。
2. 過去の気候変動の作物生産性への影響の評価
3. イネにおけるケイ素輸送の特異性


平成25年度 第4回 有機化学物質研究領域セミナー

日時: 平成25年11月22日(金曜日)
場所: 547会議室(本館5F会議室)

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Fate monitoring of pesticides and veterinary medicines in soil
- A challenge for laboratory testing -
Prof. Dr. Robert Kreuzig
(Institute of Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry, Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany)
電話 838-8306

Today, new pesticides and veterinary pharmaceuticals are subjected to environmental risk assessment by the regulatory authorities before they can be placed on the market. These prospective evaluation procedures are well established for the authorization of pesticides, based on industrial, regulatory and academic research at laboratory, lysimeter or microcosm scale followed by perennial field testing. These research activities are completed by post-regulatory monitoring and regulatory re-evaluation. Veterinary medicines, the other environmentally relevant class of biologically active agro-chemicals, however, are monitored for their environmental fate and behavior before registration only at laboratory scale partly supported by fate modelling. Hence, the significance of laboratory test systems is clearly emphasized.
Within this seminar, it will be shown how laboratory testing, accompanied by residue and radiotracer analysis, improves the understanding of concentration determining processes e.g., sorption and degradation of pesticides in soil. The dependency on boundary conditions, given by the experimental design, the test substance and sample matrix under study will be reflected. For veterinary medicines, applied to production animals and then excreted as unchanged parent compounds or formed metabolites, the entry route into soil by manure application has to be taken into account. Therefore, this regulatory test concept adopted from pesticide monitoring should be advanced in order to consider possible manure effects on the fate of veterinary medicines in soil.


第5回 有機化学物質研究領域セミナー

日時: 平成25年11月28日(水曜日)
場所: 453会議室(本館4F会議室)

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
環境研究総合推進費「日本型農業環境条件における土壌くん蒸剤のリスク削減と管理技術の開発」の概要紹介 小原 裕三
電話 838-8306



テーマ 講演者 連絡先
土壌くん蒸剤クロルピクリンの被覆フィルム透過速度と土壌水中での分解速度の測定について 三宅 圭
電話 838-8306




日時: 平成25年11月28日(水曜日)
場所: 農環研本館1F、153会議室

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Contrasting the leaf photosynthetic response of the rice cultivars Takanari and Koshihikari to elevated [CO2] under free-air conditions Charles P. Chen
電話 838-8202

The development of crops which are well-suited to growth under future environmental conditions such as higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) is essential to meet the challenge of ensuring food security in the face of the growing human population and changing climate. A high-yielding indica rice variety (Oryza sativa L. cv. Takanari) has been identified as a potential candidate for such breeding, due to its extremely high productivity in present [CO2]. To test if it could further increase its productivity under elevated [CO2] (eCO2), Takanari was grown in the paddy field under season-long free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE, approx. 200 μmol mol-1 above ambient [CO2]) and its leaf physiology was compared with the representative japonica variety ‘Koshihikari’ over two growing seasons. Takanari showed consistently higher midday photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and carboxylation rate of Rubisco than Koshihikari under both ambient and eCO2 growth conditions from heading to the mid-grain filling stage. In contrast to Koshihikari, Takanari showed no decrease in total leaf nitrogen on an area basis when grown in eCO2, and exhibited higher Rubisco content than Koshihikari at the mid-grain filling stage. Chlorophyll content was higher in Takanari than Koshihikari at the same leaf nitrogen level. These results indicate that Takanari performs strongly at the leaf-level in eCO2 and may be a valuable resource for rice breeding programs which seek to increase crop productivity under current and future [CO2].

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Applications of dust particle counter DU Mingyuan
電話 838-8202

Three applications of dust particle counter would be reported.

One: Dust particle counter were used for measure dust concentration at three stations with different surface conditions in a small area at Dunhuang, China from March 25 to April 15, 2004. Convergence/divergence method was used for evaluating regional dust emission from the area by calculating horizontal dust transportation (horizontal dust flux) from the three stations. The results show that although the horizontal dust flux at Gobi desert was the most among the three stations due to strong wind there, dust concentration at cropland was the most among the three stations and regional dust emission occurred only when the wind blow from cropland to Gobi desert. This suggest that agriculture activities play an important role for regional dust emission at Dunhuang, China.

Two: Dust particle counter were used for measure dust concentration at three stations in Japan for understanding the charecteristics of dust event in Japan.

Three: Dust particle counter were used for measure PM2.5 in Tsukuba. Some charecterists of PM2.5 in spring 2013 would be reported.


10月の公開セミナー セミナーに関するお問合せは各セミナーの連絡先へ
独立行政法人 農業環境技術研究所
305-8604 茨城県つくば市観音台 3-1-3