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GMイネ以外(GMZ) 研究成果の公表


課題番号 発表区分 著者名:
雑誌名・URL 巻(号): ページ (発表年)
GMZ1004 原著論文 M. S. Hanafy, S. M. Rahman, Y. Nakamoto, T. Fujiwara, S. Naito, K. Wakasa, M. Ishimoto:
Differential response of methionine metabolism in two grain legumes, soybean and azuki bean, expressing a mutated form of Arabidopsis cystathionine gamma-synthase.
J Plant Physiol 170(3):338-345(2013)
GMZ1004 原著論文 M. Ishimoto, M. Kuroda, K. Yoza, K. Nishizawa, M. Teraishi, N. Mizutani, K. Ito, S. Moriya:
Heterologous expression of corn cystatin in soybean and effect on growth of the stink bug.
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 76(11):2142-2145(2012)


課題番号 発表区分 著者名:
雑誌名・URL 巻(号): ページ (発表年)
GMZ1001 原著論文 S. Nakamura, F. Abe, H. Kawahigashi, K. Nakazono, A. Tagiri, T. Matsumoto, S. Utsugi, T. Ogawa, H. Handa, H. Ishida, M. Mori, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara, H. Miura:
A wheat homolog of MOTHER OF FT AND TFL1 acts in the regulation of germination.
Plant Cell 23(9):3215-3229 (2011)
GMZ1004 原著論文 K. Takagi, K. Nishizawa, A. Hirose, A. Kita, M. Ishimoto:
Manipulation of saponin biosynthesis by RNA interference-mediated silencing of beta-amyrin synthase gene expression in soybean.
Plant Cell Rep 30(10):1835-1846 (2011)
GMZ1004 総説 Yamada T, Takagi K, Ishimoto M:
Recent advances in soybean transformation and their application to molecular breeding and genomic analysis.
Breed. Sci. 61(5):480-494 (2012)


課題番号 発表区分 著者名:
雑誌名・URL 巻(号): ページ (発表年)
GMZ1004 原著論文 Keito Nishizawa, Kyoko Takagi, Masayoshi Teraishi, Akiko Kita, Masao Ishimoto:
Application of somatic embryos to rapid and reliable analysis of soybean seed components by RNA interference-mediated gene silencing
Plant Biotechnology 27(5):409-420 (2010)
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