Research Center for Advanced Analysis, NARO

Bioinformatics Team

It is envisaged that rapidly growing sequence information produced by the innovative DNA sequencing technologies will contribute much to the advanced agricultural sciences. This type of researches are based largely on genome-wide sequence data, and to take advantage of such data, bioinformatics, which processes biological information by computers, is a crucial step. In this way, the high-performance computation is vital for handling of the large-scale data of today's molecular biology. In addition to genome sequences, modern biologists can enjoy the benefits of a wealth of transcriptome and other omics data. Under this circumstance, our primary mission is to support bioinformatics studies of all institutes and centers of NARO, so that utilization of a wide range of omics information is facilitated. We also aim to develop new computer programs and databases for omics-based agricultural sciences.

Unit Leader

ITOH Takeshi

Unit Members
