Disease of Velvetgrass

Causal organism: Colletotrichum graminicola (Cesati) G.W.Wilson, Imperfect fungi
Spot-causing fungal disease occurring from the end of the rainy season. The lesions are yellowish brown to orange, oval. Later they fuse mutually and become irregular shaped. The fungal tissues, setae, are produced in the center of the old lesion and looks black moldy. Orange masses of spores are formed on the lesion under wet conditions and they disperse by wind and rain. The species of the pathogen is same with those of sorghum, orchardgrass and ryegrass, but the pathogenicity is considered to be differentiated.

Crown rust
Causal organism: Puccinia coronata Corda var.coronata, Basidiomycotina
The lesions are at first yellow swelling and then become oval ones of 1-2mm in length and 0.5mm in width. The epidermis tears and yellow to orange urediniospores appears from the inside. When occurring severely, the entire leaf looks yellow powdery and then withers. Blackish brown telia are produced later, but the pathogen is considered to overwinter and oversummer by urediniospores. The species of the causal organism is same with that of ryegrass crown rust, but the pathogenicity is differentiated.

Leaf blight
Causal organism: Drechslera noblea McKenzie et Matthews, Imperfect fungi
Spot-causing fungal disease occurring from spring to summer. The lesions are often formed from the leaf rim and become brown and half oval with indistinct border. When occurring after heading, the base of the leaf is invaded and the entire leaf withers and falls. The species of the causal organism is same with that of fescue leaf blight.

Leaf spot
Causal organism: Cochliobolus sativus (Ito et Kuribayashi) Drechs. ex Dastur, Ascomycotina
Fungal disease which produces spots in the leaf. The lesions are reddish brown to blackish brown, oval, 3-7x1-3 mm in size. The center of the lesion is dark color and the surrounding is faint color, so the border of the lesion are often indistinct. It produces yellow halo around the lesion. The lesions fuse mutually and cause leaf blight.

Stem speckle
Causal organism: Pseudoseptoria stomaticola (Baeumler) Sutton, Imperfect fungi
Fungal disease which becomes problem with seed production and occurs in the cool region. The disease occurs in the leaf, sheath, culm, and head spike. The lesions are rectangular shape, ash white, 1-2 mm long with brown thin border. The lesion is delimited by leaf veins and becomes distinct with a clear boundary. The pycnidiospores in the pycnidia formed on the lesion disperse by wind and rain and the disease spreads.

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