Japanese Fungi on Plants No.15 before next top

Cercosporidium graminis (Fuckel) Deighton [=Scolecotrichum graminis Fuckel]
  Classification: Deuteromycotina, Hyphomycetes

 Distributed mainly north from Kyusyu, the southern Distr. Causes brown stripe in the gramineous plants such as orchardgrass and fescue. Sometimes isolated from other gramineous weeds. Disperses by scattering conidia. Teleomorph not yet found.

Characteristics: Plant pathogen   Symptom: JPEG (Orchardgrass, Brown stripe, 44kb)

 Teleomorph: Unknown
 Anamorph: On brown conidiophores rising from stroma, producing conidia straight, pale gray to pale olive, cylindrical to clavate, hilum distinct at the base, 21-44 x 10-12 um in size with 1-2 septa.

Conidiophores and conidia

Herbarium specimen in NIAES

Specimen No. Scientific name Host name Host scientific name Symptoms Geographical origin Collected date Collector
249-1-35 Scolecotrichum graminis Tall oatgrass Arrhenatherum elatius Brown stripe Nishinasuno, Tochigi 1961.5.26 Tominaga, T.
108-1-71 " " " " Nishigoushi, Kumamoto 1965.3.2
249-1-99 " Mountain Bromegrass Bromus marginatus " Nishinasuno, Tochigi 1961.5.27 Tominaga, T.
261-2-36 " Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata " " 1961.6.23 "
108-1-15 " " " " Nishigoushi, Kumamoto 1965.3.2 "
249-1-40 " Tall fescue Festuca arundinacea " Chiba, Chiba 1961.10.26 Tsuchiya, Y.
108-1-57 " Timothy Phleum pratense " Nishinasuno, Tochigi 1961.6.22 Tominaga, T.
262-1-16 " " " " 1962.10.10 "

(Described by Tsukiboshi, T., NIAES, Microbial Systemtics Lab., 2002)

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