Japanese Fungi on Plants No.48 before next top

Pseudocochliobolus verruculosus Tsuda & Ueyama [=Curvularia verruculosa Tandon & Bilgrami]
Classification: Ascomycota, Locuoascomycetes, Dothideales, Pleosporaceae

 Distributed mainly south from Kyushu, the southern part of Japan. Causes brown spot on rhodesgrass and often isolated other gramineous weeds. Disperses by scattering conidia. Teleomorph has never been observed in nature. 

Characteristics: Plant pathogen

 Teleomorph: Produced by paired culture on artificial media. Producing cylindrical asci in black pseudothecia on stroma. Hyaline and filamentous ascospores of 120-220 x 3.7-5 um produced in coiled helix in oblong asci.
 Anamorph: On brown conidiophores,  producing conidia curved, pale brown to brown, ellipsoidal to fusiform, the third cell swollen, the end cell pale, hilum not conspicuous, surface verruculose, 27-33 x 11-15 um, with 2-3 pseudosepta.
Cunidiophore and conidia Conidia

Herbarium specimen in NIAES

Specimen No. Scientific name Host name Host scientific name Symptoms Geographical origin Collected date Collector
135-1-37 Curvularia verruculosa chloris Chloris sp.  Brown spot Ishigaki, Okinawa 2002.2.21 Tsukiboshi, T.
135-1-38 " rhodesgrass Chloris gayana  " " 2003.2.20 "

(Described by Tsukiboshi, T., NIAES, Microbial Systemtics Lab., 2003)

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