Researcher's Information - National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NIAES
April 1, 2015
YAMANAKA, Takehiko (Senior Researcher)
Phone: +81-29-838-8183
E-mail: apple(at)
- B.A. Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, Japan 1995
- M.S. Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, Japan 1997
- Ph.D. Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, Japan 2000
- Exchange visitor (Pos-Doc), The Pennsylvania State University
(Working with Prof. Bjørnstad, 2005-2006
- Exchange visitor (OECD Fellow), Queen's University(Working with Prof. Nelson,
Research Activities & Interests
I'm an applied entomologist and also a quantitative ecologist. I'm mainly working on the spatially extensive and/or long term data collected in the field. The data is analyzed from the view point of basic ecology, conservation and also pest managements.
Age-structured Models for Pest Insects:
Prof. Nelson (Queen's Univ., Canada,
Prof. Bjørnstad (PSU, USA,
Dragonfly Databases:
Web Encyclopedia of Larval Dragonflies in Japan
Cellular Photo Field Surveys
Forest Pest Outbreaks:
Constructing Population Models for PWD and OWD in Japan
Dr. Kagaya (FFPRI,
Dr. Liebhold (USDA Forest service,
Invasive Species:
Population Theory as a Weapon to Address the Issue of Invasive Species
NCEAS Project
Relevant Publications
- Nelson WA, Bjørnstad ON, Yamanaka T (2013) Recurrent insect outbreaks caused by temperature-driven changes in system stability. Science 341: 796-799. (
- Blackwood JC, Berec L, Yamanaka T, Epanchin-Niell RC, Hastings A, Liebhold AM (2012) Bioeconomic synergy between tactics for insect eradication in the presence of Allee effects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.279: 2807-2815 (
- Nakazawa T, Yamanaka T, Urano S (2012) Model analysis for plant disease dynamics co-mediated by herbivory and herbivore-borne phytopathogen. Biology Letters. in press (
- Yamanaka T, Nelson WA, Uchimura K , Bjørnstad ON (2012) Generation separation in simple structured life-cycles: models and 48 years of field data on a tea tortrix moth. The American Naturalist 179: 95-109. (
- Yamanaka T, Teshiba M, Tuda M, Tsutsumi T (2011) Possible use of synthetic aggregation pheromones to control Plautia stali (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in kaki persimmon orchards. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 13: 321-331. (
- Yamanaka T, Liebhold AM (2009) Spatially implicit approaches to understand the manipulation of mating success for insect invasion management. Population Ecology: 427-444 (
- Yamanaka T, Tanaka K, Hamasaki K, Nakatani Y, Iwasaki N, Sprague DS, Bjørnstad ON (2009) Evaluating the relative importance of patch quality and connectivity in a damselfly metapopulation from a one-season survey. Oikos 118: 67-76 (
- Hamasaki K, Yamanaka T, Tanaka K, Nakatani Y, Iwasaki N, Sprague DS (2009) Relative importance of within-habitat environment, land use and spatial autocorrelations for determining odonate assemblages in rural reservoir ponds in Japan. Ecological Research 24: 597-605 (
- Yamanaka T, Tatsuki S, Shimada M (2008) Adaptation to the new land or effect of global warming? - An age-structured model for rapid voltinism change in an alien lepidopteran pest. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 585-596 (selected in Virtual Issue: Celebrating Darwin,
- Yamanaka T (2007) Mating disruption or mass trapping? Numerical simulation analysis of a control strategy for lepidopteran pests. Population Ecology 49: 75-86 (
- Yamanaka T, Tanaka K, Otuka A, Bjørnstad ON (2007) Detecting spatial interactions in the ragweed (Ambrosia artemissifolia L.) and the ragweed beetle (Ophraella communa LeSage) populations. Ecological Research 22: 185-196 (Recipient of the Ecological Research Award, 2007,
- Yamanaka T, Tatsuki S, Shimada M (2003) An individual-based model for sex-pheromone-oriented flight patterns of male moths in a local area. Ecological Modelling 161: 35-51 (
- Watari Y, Yamanaka T, Asano W, Ishikawa Y (2002) Prediction of the life cycle of the west Japan type yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) by numerical simulations. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 37(4): 559-569 (