Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, NARO

Swine Metabolism and Nutrition Unit

It is estimated that feed costs in pig farming account for over 60% of the production costs. To increase the profit of pig farmers, it is essential to reduce feed costs and improve the quality of the pork meat that is produced.

We consider using self-sufficient grains such as forage rice, ear corn silage and other domestic feeds (Eco-feed: Food remains and manufacturing by-products) for reduction of feed cost. We will develop alternative feed to utilize unused by-product such as vegetable residue and self-sufficient grains. This will additionally result in an increase of the self-sufficiency feed rate.

We research the importance of the protein, fat content, amino acids and fatty acid composition in the feed on the quality of the meat to produce distinctive pork using domestic feed. Based on these results, we will develop a feeding technology to increase the components related to pork flavor. We plan to contribute to the development of the pig farming industry through laboratory research to reduce feed costs and improve the quality of the pork meat.

In addition, we research functional ingredients that improve piglets' health and strive to develop a feeding technology that reduces both heat and/or cold stress.

Growing-finishing pig in feeding experiment

Unit Leader


Unit Members
