
最終更新日: 2014年8月15日




8月6日(水曜日) 平成26年度 物質循環研究領域 第5回セミナー

8月28日(木曜日) 第547回気象談話会

 物質循環研究領域 第5回セミナー

日時: 平成26年8月6日(水曜日)
場所: 547号室

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Environmental Soil Physics towards Soils in Space Prof. Per Moldrup
(Aalborg Univ., Denmark)
電話 838-8326

電話 838-8327

Professor Moldrup will present a brief discussion on the central role of soil physics in characterizing and understanding soil and vadose zone services towards solving some of the great challenges of our time regarding climate, environment, food, and water.

He suggests that the platform for this will be the "3 Tenors" of soil physics = the soil-water characteristic curve, the soil-gas diffusivity characteristic curve, and the soil-water permeability curve, all 3 in the total range from fully wet to fully dry conditions. Our Soil Future dream and vision must be bridging research on Soil Inner Space biophysics to the bigger picture of Earth ecosystem health and services, and have soil science be a key part of future missions to The Poles, Mars, and remote Exo-Planets.



Moldrup 教授 プロフィール(Short biography):
Per Moldrup received the MSc degree in Environmental Engineering (1986) and the PhD degree in Environmental Soil Physics (1990) from Aalborg University, Denmark. Since 1990, he has been assistant professor, associate professor (from 1994), and professor (from 2007) in Environmental Soil Physics and Engineering at Aalborg Univ., Dept. of Civil Engineering.

Professor Moldrup's research focuses on measuring and modeling transport processes and parameters in the gaseous and liquid phases of soil and other porous media, including studies on soil ecosystem functions and design of optimal growth media for Earth and Space. He has authored/co-authored 230 peer-reviewed papers and several book chapters. He has served as an Associate Editor of Soil Science, and Soil Science Society of America Journal, and is presently Associate Editor for International Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.

His awards and honors include being Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America (2005), receiving the Don & Betty Kirkham Reward for Excellence in Soil Physics (2006), and serving as Chair of the Soil Physics Division of Soil Science Society of America (2008). In 2012, Professor Moldrup was elected into the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences.

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
CREST研究課題:地圏熱エネルギー利用を考慮した地下水管理手法の開発 小松登志子
電話 838-8326

電話 838-8327




小松登志子 教授 プロフィール
広島県出身.広島大学理学部化学科卒業,広島大学工学部助手,1988年~1989年客員研究員(カリフォルニア大学デイビス校), 1993年広島大学工学部助教授, 2002年10月埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科教授(現在に至る).

専門は土壌環境科学で,「土壌内における汚染物質の挙動解析」を主な研究テーマとし,揮発性有機化合物や農薬・重金属などの土壌内における移動と運命予測,土壌ガスの挙動解析,土壌コロイドによる汚染物質輸送の促進などに関する研究を行ってきた.現在,CREST (JST) のチームリーダーとしてプロジェクトを進めている.



日時: 平成26年8月28日(木曜日)
場所: 農環研 研究本館5F 547会議室

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
The improvement of phenology modeling by using water temperature Shin FUKUI
(Agro-Meteorology Division, NIAES)

Growth of paddy-field rice at its youth stage is strongly affected by water temperature because the growth point is present under water. On the other hand, growth of plant is well explained by surrounding temperature and photoperiod, therefore several phenology models are proposed to describe plant growth using air temperature and photoperiod. These models can reproduce crop phenology in general, however, it often reduces the accuracy where there is large difference between air and water temperatures for paddy-field rice especially at the youth stage. For high-precision phenology modeling, the effect of water temperature on rice growth should be included in the model. In this talk, I will report the result of the parameter estimation of phenology model using water temperature.


7月の公開セミナー セミナーに関するお問合せは各セミナーの連絡先へ
独立行政法人 農業環境技術研究所
305-8604 茨城県つくば市観音台 3-1-3