

  • Hayashi T, Shimoda Y, Sato S, Tabata S, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Hayashi M.
    Rhizobial infection does not require cortical expression of upstream common symbiosis genes responsible for the induction of Ca2+ spiking.
    Plant J. 77: 146-159 (2014).
  • Kojima T, Saito K, Oba H, Yoshida Y, Terasawa J, Umehara Y, Suganuma N, Kawaguchi M, Ohtomo R.
    Isolation and phenotypic characterization of Lotus japonicus mutants specifically defective in arbuscular mycorrhizal formation.
    Plant Cell Physiol. (Advance Access) (2014).
  • Bao Z, Watanabe A, Sasaki K, Okubo T, Tokida T, Liu D, Ikeda S, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Asakawa S, Sato T, Mitsui H, Minamisawa K.
    A rice gene for microbial symbiosis, Oryza sativa CCaMK, reduces CH4 flux in a paddy field with low nitrogen input.
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  • Soyano T, Kouchi H, Hirota A, Hayashi M.
    NODULE INCEPTION directly targets NF-Y subunit genes to regulate essential processes of root nodule development in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Fukai E, Stougaard J, Hayashi M. (Review)
    Activation of an endogenous retrotransposon associated with epigenetic changes in Lotus japonicus: A tool for functional genomics in legumes.
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  • Shiro S, Matsuura S, Saiki R, Sigua G.C, Yamamoto A, Umehara Y, Hayashi M, Saeki Y.
    Genetic diversity and geographical distribution of indigenous soybean-nodulating bradyrhizobia in the United States.
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  • Murakami Y, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Kouchi H, Kawaguchi M, Kawasaki S
    The transcription activation and homodimerization of Lotus japonicus Nod factor Signaling Pathway2 protein.
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  • Takeda N, Maekawa T, Hayashi M.
    Nuclear localized and deregulated calcium and calmodulin–dependent protein kinase activates rhizobial and mycorrhizal responses in Lotus japonicus.
    Plant Cell 24: 810-822 (2012).
  • Shimoda Y, Han L, Yamazaki T, Suzuki R, Hayashi M, Imaizumi-Anraku H.
    Rhizobial and fungal symbioses show different requirements for calmodulin binding to calcium calmodulin–dependent protein kinase in Lotus japonicus.
    Plant Cell 24: 304-321 (2012).
  • Fukai E, Soyano T, Umehara Y, Nakayama S, Hirakawa H, Tabata S, Sato S, Hayashi M.
    Establishment of a Lotus japonicus gene tagging population using the exon-targeting endogenous retrotransposon LORE1.
    Plant J. 69: 720-730 (2012).
  • Shiro S, Yamamoto A, Umehara Y, Hayashi M, Yoshida N, Nishiwaki A, Yamakawa T, Saeki Y.
    Effect of Rj-genotype and cultivation temperature on the community structure of soybean-nodulating bradyrhizobia.
    Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78: 1243-1250 (2012).
  • Hakoyama T, Niimi K, Yamamoto T, Isobe S, Sato S, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Kumagai H, Umehara Y, Brossuleit K, Petersen T.R, Sandal N, Stougaard J, Udvardi M.K, Tamaoki M, Kawaguchi M, Kouchi H, Suganuma N.
    The integral membrane protein SEN1 is required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Lotus japonicus nodules.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 53: 225-236 (2012).
  • Venkateshwaran M, Cosme A, Han L, Banba M, Satyshur K.A, Schleiff E, Parniske M, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Ané J-M.
    The recent evolution of a symbiotic ion channel in the legume family altered ion conductance and improved functionality in calcium signaling.
    Plant Cell 24: 2528-2545 (2012).
  • Suzaki T, Yano K, Ito M, Umehara Y, Suganuma N, Kawaguchi M.
    Positive and negative regulation of cortical cell division during root nodule development in Lotus japonicus is accompanied by auxin response.
    Development 139: 3997-4006 (2012).
  • Hakoyama T, Oi R, Hazuma K, Suga E, Adachi Y, Kobayashi M, Akai R, Sato S, Fukai E, Tabata S, Shibata S, Wu G-J, Hase Y, Tanaka A, Kawaguchi M, Kouchi H, Umehara Y, Suganuma N.
    The SNARE protein SYP71 expressed in vascular tissues is involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Lotus japonicus nodules.
    Plant Physiol. 160: 897-905 (2012).
  • Hayashi M, Saeki Y, Haga M, Harada K, Kouchi H, Umehara Y. (Review)
    Rj (rj) genes involved in nitrogen-fixing root nodule formation in soybean.
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  • Yokota K, Hayashi M. (Review)
    Function and evolution of nodulation genes in legumes.
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  • Nakagawa T, Kaku H, Shimoda Y, Sugiyama A, Shimamura M, Takanashi K, Yazaki K, Aoki T, Shibuya N, Kouchi H.
    From defense to symbiosis: limited alterations in the kinase domain of LysM receptor-like kinases are crucial for evolution of legume-Rhizobium symbiosis.
    Plant J. 65: 169-180 (2011).
  • Ikeda S, Okubo T, Takeda N, Banba M, Sasaki K, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Fujihara S, Ohwaki Y, Ohshima K, Fukuta Y, Eda S, Mitsui H, Hattori M, Sato T, Shinano T, Minamisawa K.
    The genotype of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase gene (CCaMK) determines bacterial community diversity in rice roots under paddy and upland field conditions.
    Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 4399-4405 (2011).
  • Murakami E, Nagata M, Shimoda Y, Kucho K, Higashi S, Abe M, Hashimoto M, Uchiumi T.
    Nitric oxide production induced in roots of Lotus japonicus by lipopolysaccharide from Mesorhizobium loti.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 52: 610-617 (2011).



  • Fukai E, Umehara Y, Sato S, Endo M, Kouchi H, Hayashi M, Stougaard J, Hirochika H.
    Derepression of the plant Chromovirus LORE1 induces germline transposition in regenerated plants.
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  • Hayashi T, Banba M, Shimoda Y, Kouchi H, Hayashi M, Imaizumi-Anraku H.
    A dominant function of CCaMK in intracellular accommodation of bacterial and fungal endosymbionts.
    Plant J. 63: 141-154 (2010).
  • Lohmann GV, Shimoda Y, Nielsen MW, Jørgensen FG, Grossmann C, Sandal N, Sørensen K, Thirup S, Madsen LH, Tabata S, Sato S, Stougaard J, Radutoiu S.
    Evolution and regulation of the Lotus japonicus LysM receptor gene family.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 23: 510-521 (2010).
  • Okazaki S, Okabe S, Higashi M, Shimoda Y, Sato S, Tabata S, Hashiguchi M, Akashi R, Göttfert M, Saeki K.
    Identification and functional analysis of type III effector proteins in Mesorhizobium loti.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 23: 223-234 (2010).
  • Thapanapongworakul N, Nomura M, Dao TV, Shimoda Y, Sato S, Tabata S, Tajima S.
    3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase in Mesorhizobioum loti is essential for maintaining symbiotic nitrogen fixation of Lotus japonicus root nodules.
    Plant Soil 336: 233-240 (2010).
  • Yokota K, Soyano T, Kouchi H, Hayashi M.
    Function of GRAS proteins in root nodule symbiosis is retained in homologs of a non-legume, rice.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 51: 1436-1442 (2010).
  • Kouchi H, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Hayashi M, Hakoyama T, Nakagawa T, Umehara Y, Suganuma N, Kawaguchi M. (Review)
    How many peas in a pod? Legume genes responsible for mutualistic symbioses underground.
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  • Hakoyama T, Niimi K, Watanabe H, Tabata R, Matsubara J, Sato S, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Jichun L, Matsumoto T, Tatsumi K, Nomura M, Tajima S, Ishizaka M, Yano K, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Kawaguchi M, Kouchi H, Suganuma N.
    Host plant genome overcomes a lack of bacterial gene for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
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  • Yano K, Shibata S, Chen WL, Sato S, Kaneko T, Jurkiewicz A, Sandal N, Banba M, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Kojima T, Ohtomo R, Szczyglowski K, Stougaard J, Tabata S, Hayashi M, Kouchi H, Umehara Y.
    CERBERUS, a novel U-box protein containing WD-40 repeats is required for infection thread formation and nodule development in the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis.
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  • Maekawa T, Maekawa-Yoshikawa M, Takeda N, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Murooka Y, Hayashi M.
    Gibberellin controls the nodulation-signaling pathway in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Shimoda Y, Shimoda-Sasakura F, Kucho K, Kanamori N, Nagata M, Suzuki A, Abe M, Higashi S, Uchiumi T.
    Overexpression of class 1 plant hemoglobin genes enhances symbiotic nitrogen fixation activity between Mesorhizobium loti and Lotus japonicus.
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  • Magori S, Oka-Kira E, Shibata S, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Hase Y, Tanaka A, Sato S, Tabata S, Kawaguchi M.
    TOO MUCH LOVE, a root regulator associated with the long-distance control of nodulation in Lotus japonicus.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 22: 259-268 (2009).
  • Nagata M, Hashimoto M, Murakami E, Shimoda Y, Shimoda-Sasakura F, Kucho K, Suzuki A, Abe M, Higashi S, Uchiumi T.
    A possible role of class 1 plant hemoglobin at the early stage of legume-rhizobium symbiosis.
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  • Yano K, Yoshida S, Müller J, Singh S, Banba M, Vickers K, Markmann K, White C, Schuller B, Sato S, Asamizu E, Tabata S, Murooka Y, Perry J, Wang T, Kawaguchi M, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Hayashi M, Parniske M.
    CYCLOPS, a mediator of symbiotic intracellular accommodation.
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  • Gutjahr C, Banba M, Croset V, An K, Miyao A, An G, Hirochika H, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Paszkowski U.
    Arbuscular mycorrhiza–specific signaling in rice transcends the common symbiosis signaling pathway.
    Plant Cell 20: 2989-3005 (2008).
  • Asamizu E, Shimoda Y, Kouchi H, Tabata S, Sato S.
    A positive regulatory role for LjERF1 in the nodulation process is revealed by systematic analysis of nodule-associated transcription factors of Lotus japonicus.
    Plant Physiol. 147: 2030-2040 (2008).
  • Nagata M, Murakami E, Shimoda Y, Shimoda-Sasakura F, Kucho K, Suzuki A, Abe M, Higashi S, Uchiumi T.
    Expression of a class 1 hemoglobin gene and production of nitric oxide in response to symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Maekawa T, Kusakabe M, Shimoda Y, Sato S, Tabata S, Murooka Y, Hayashi M
    Polyubiquitin promoter-based binary vectors for overexpression and gene silencing in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Fukai E, Dobrowolska AD, Madsen LH, Madsen EB, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Hirochika H, Stougaard J.
    Transposition of a 600 thousand-year-old LTR retrotransposon in the model legume Lotus japonicus.
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  • Banba M, Gutjahr C, Miyao A, Hirochika H, Paszkowski U, Kouchi H, Imaizumi-Anraku H.
    Divergence of evolutionary ways among common sym genes: CASTOR and CCaMK show functional conservation between two symbiosis systems and constitute the root of a common signaling pathway.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 1659-1671 (2008).
  • Mishima E, Hosokawa A, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Saito K, Kawaguchi M, Saeki K.
    Requirement for Mesorhizobium loti ornithine transcarbamoylase for successful symbiosis with Lotus japonicus as revealed by an unexpected long-range genome deletion.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 49: 301-313 (2008).
  • Shimoda Y, Mitsui H, Kamimatsuse H, Minamisawa K, Nishiyama E, Ohtsubo Y, Nagata Y, Tsuda M, Shinpo S, Watanabe A, Kohara M, Yamada M, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Sato S.
    Construction of signature-tagged mutant library in Mesorhizobium loti as a powerful tool for functional genomics.
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  • Sato S, Nakamura Y, Kaneko T, Asamizu E, Kato T, Nakao M, Sasamoto S, Watanabe A, Ono A, Kawashima K, Fujishiro T, Katoh M, Kohara M, Kishida Y, Minami C, Nakayama S, Nakazaki N, Shimizu Y, Shinpo S, Takahashi C, Wada T, Yamada M, Ohmido N, Hayashi M, Fukui K, Baba T, Nakamichi T, Mori H, Tabata S.
    Genome structure of the legume, Lotus japonicus.
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  • Shimoda Y, Shinpo S, Kohara M, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Sato S.
    A large scale analysis of protein-protein interactions in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Mesorhizobium loti.
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  • Saito K, Yoshikawa M, Yano K, Miwa H, Uchida H, Asamizu E, Sato S, Tabata S, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Murooka Y, Szczyglowski K, Downie JA, Parniske M, Hayashi M, Kawaguchi M.
    NUCLEOPORIN85 is required for calcium spiking, fungal and bacterial symbioses, and seed production in Lotus japonicus.
    Plant Cell 19: 610-624 (2007).
  • Kumagai,H, Hakoyama T, Umehara Y, Sato S, Kaneko T, Tabata S, Kouchi H.
    A Novel Ankyrin-Repeat Membrane Protein, IGN1, Is Required for Persistence of Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiosis in Root Nodules of Lotus japonicus.
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  • Senoo K, Solaiman Z, Tanaka S, Kawaguchi M, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Akao S, Tanaka A, Obata H.
    Isolation and characterization of arbuscules from roots of an increased-arbuscule-forming mutant of Lotus japonicus.
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  • Sato S, Shimoda Y, Muraki A, Kohara M, Nakamura Y, Tabata S.
    A large scale protein-protein interaction analysis in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803.
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  • Deguchi Y, Banba M, Shimoda Y, Chechetka SA, Suzuri R, Okusako Y, Ooki Y, ToyokuraK, Suzuki A, Uchiumi T, Higashi S, Abe M, Kouchi H, Izui K, Hata S.
    Transcriptome profiling of Lotus japonicus roots during arbuscular mycorrhiza development and comparison with that of nodulation.
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  • Tirichine L, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Yoshida S, Murakami Y, Madsen LH, Miwa H, Nakagawa T, Sandal N, Albrektsen AS, Kawaguchi M, Downie A, Sato S, Tabata S, Kouchi H, Parniske M, Kawasaki S, Stougaard J.
    Deregulation of a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase leads to spontaneous nodule development.
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  • Lombardo F, Heckmann AB, Miwa H, Perry JA, Yano K, Hayashi M, Parniske M, Wang TL, Downie JA.
    Identification of symbiotically defective mutants of Lotus japonicus affected in infection thread growth.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 19: 1444-1450 (2006).
  • Yano K, Tansengco ML, Hio T, Higashi K, Murooka Y, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Kawaguchi M, Hayashi M.
    New nodulation mutants responsible for infection thread development in Lotus japonicus.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 19: 801-810 (2006).
  • Hossain MS, Umehara Y, Kouchi H.
    A Novel Fix  Symbiotic Mutant of Lotus japonicus, Ljsym105, Shows Impaired Development and Premature Deterioration of Nodule Infected Cells and Symbiosomes.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 19: 780-788 (2006).
  • Sasakura F, Uchiumi T, Shimoda Y, Suzuki A, Takenouchi K, Higashi S, Abe M.
    A class 1 hemoglobin gene from Alnus firma functions in symbiotic and nonsymbiotic tissues to detoxify nitric oxide.
    Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 19: 441-450 (2006).
  • Sandal N, Petersen TR, Murray J, Umehara Y, Karas B, Yano K, Kumagai H, Yoshikawa M, Saito K, Hayashi M, Murakami Y, Wang X, Hakoyama T, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Sato S, Kato T, Chen W, Hossain MdS, Shibata S, Wang TL, Yokota K, Larsen K, Kanamori N, Madsen E, Radutoiu S, Madsen LH, Radu TG, Krusell L, Ooki Y, Banba M, Betti M, Rispail N, Skøt L, Tuck E, Perry J, Yoshida S, Vickers K, Pike J, Mulder L, Charpentier M, Müller J, Ohtomo R, Kojima T, Ando S, Marquez AJ, Gresshoff PM, Harada K, Webb J, Hata S, Suganuma N, Kouchi H, Kawasaki S, Tabata S, Hayashi M, Parniske M, Szczyglowski K, Kawaguchi M, Stougaard J.
    Genetics of symbiosis in Lotus japonicus: Recombinant inbred lines, comparative genetic maps and map position of 35 symbiotic loci.
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  • Murakami Y, Miwa H, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Kouchi H, Downie JA, Kawaguchi M, Kawasaki S.
    Positional cloning identifies Lotus japonicus NSP2, a putative transcription factor of the GRAS family, required for NIN and ENOD40 gene expression in nodule initiation.
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  • Imaizumi-Anraku H, Takeda N, Charpentier M, Perry J, Miwa H, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Murakami Y, Mulder L, Vickers K, Pike J, Downie JA, Wang T, Sato S, Asamizu E, Tabata S, Yoshikawa M, Murooka Y, Wu G-J, Kawaguchi M, Kawasaki S, Parniske M, Hayashi M.
    Plastid proteins crucial for symbiotic fungal and bacterial entry into plant roots.
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  • Ooki Y, Banba M, Yano K, Maruya J, Sato S, Tabata S, Saeki K, Hayashi M, Kawaguchi M, Izui K, Hata S.
    Characterization of a Lotus japonicus symbiotic mutant, lot1, that shows a reduced nodule number and distorted trichomes.
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  • Nakatsukasa-Akune M, Yamashita K, Shimoda Y, Uchiumi T, Abe M, Aoki T, Kamizawa A, Ayabe S, Higashi S, Suzuki A.
    Suppression of root nodule formation by artificial expression of the TrEnodDR1 (coat protein of White clover cryptic virus 1 gene in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Grønlund M, Roussis A, Flemetakis E, Quaedvlieg NEM, Schlaman HRM, Umehara Y, Katinakis P, Stougaard J, Spaink HP.
    Analysis of promoter activity of the early nodulin Enod40 in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Takeda N, Okamoto S, Hayashi M, Murooka Y.
    Expression of LjENOD40 genes in response to symbiotic and non-symbiotic signals: LjENOD40-1 and LjENOD40-2 are differentially regulated in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Shimoda Y, Nagata M, Suzuki A, Abe M, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Higashi S, Uchiumi T.
    Symbiotic rhizobium and nitric oxide induce gene expression of non-symbiotic hemoglobin in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Kawaguchi M, Pedrosa-Harand A, Yano K, Hayashi M, Murooka Y, Saito K, Nagata T, Namai K, Nishida H, Shibata D, Sato S, Tabata S, Hayashi M, Harada K, Sandal N, Stougaard J, Bachmair A, Grant WF.
    Lotus burttii takes a position of the third corner in the Lotus molecular genetics triangle.
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  • Kato T, Goto Y, Hayashi M, Ono K, Murooka Y.
    Expression of a major house dust mite allergen gene from Dermatophagoides farinae in Lotus japonicus accession Miyakojima MG-20.
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  • Maekawa T, Hayashi M, Murooka Y.
    Root hair abundant genes LjRH101 and LjRH102 encode peroxidase and xyloglucan endglycosylase in Lotus japonicus.
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  • Kameshita I, Nishida T, Nakamura S, Sugiyama Y, Sueyoshi N, Umehara Y, Nomura M, Tajima S.
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  • Uchiumi T, Ohwada T, Itakura M, Mitsui H, Nukui N, Dawadi P, Kaneko T, Tabata S, Yokoyama T, Tejima K, Saeki K, Omori H, Hayashi M, Maekawa T, Sriprang R, Murooka Y, Tajima S, Simomura K, Nomura M, Suzuki A, Shimoda Y, Sioya K, Abe M, Minamisawa K.
    Expression islands clustered on the symbiosis island of the Mesorhizobium loti genome.
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  • Tansengco ML, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Yoshikawa M, Takagi S, Kawaguchi M, Hayashi M, Murooka Y.
    Pollen development and tube growth are affected in the symbiotic mutant of Lotus japonicus, crinkle.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 45: 511-520 (2004).
  • Kouchi H, Shimomura K, Hata S, Hirota A, Wu G-J, Kumagai H, Tajima S, Suganuma N, Suzuki A, Aoki T, Hayashi M, Yokoyama T, Ohyama T, Asamizu E, Kuwata C, Shibata D, Tabata S.
    Large-scale analysis of gene expression profiles during early stages of root nodule formation in a model legume, Lotus japonicus.
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  • Kinoshita N, Ooki Y, Deguchi Y, Chechetka SA, Kouchi H, Umehara Y, Izui K, Hata S.
    Cloning and expression analysis of a MAPKKK gene and a novel nodulin gene of Lotus japonicus.
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  • Radutoiu S, Madsen LH, Madsen EB, Felle HH, Umehara Y, Gronlund M, Sato S, Nakamura Y, Tabata S, Sandal N, Stougaard J.
    Plant recognition of symbiotic bacteria requires two LysM receptor-like kinases.
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  • Tansengco ML, Hayashi M, Kawaguchi M, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Murooka Y.
    crinkle, a novel symbiotic mutant that affects the infection thread growth and alters the root hair, trichome, and seed development in Lotus japonicus.
    Plant Physiol. 131: 1054-1063 (2003).
  • Borisov AY, Madsen LH, Tsyganov VE, Umehara Y, Voroshilova VA, Batagov AO, Sandal N, Mortensen A, Schauser L, Ellis N, Tikhonovich IA, Stougaard J.
    The Sym35 gene required for root nodule development in pea is an ortholog of Nin from Lotus japonicus.
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  • Hayashi M, Aoki T, Isobe S, Harada K, Kouchi H, Minamisawa K, Saeki K, Sato S, Tabata S, Kawaguchi M. (Review)
    A domestic weed goes worldwide. Recent progress on Lotus research in Japan.
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  • Nakagawa T, Izumi T, Banba M, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Izui K, Hata S.
    Characterization and expression analysis of genes encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase of Lotus japonicus, a model legume.
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  • Sriprang R, Hayashi M, Ono H, Takagi M, Hirata K, Murooka Y.
    Enhanced accumulation of Cd2+ by a Mesorhizobium sp. transformed with a gene from Arabidopsis thaliana coding for phytochelatin synthase.
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  • Nishimura R, Hayashi M, Wu G-J, Kouchi H, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Murakami Y, Kawasaki S, Akao S, Ohmori M, Nagasawa M, Harada K, Kawaguchi M.
    HAR1 mediates systemic regulation of symbiotic organ development.
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  • Sriprang R, Hayashi M, Yamashita M, Ono H, Saeki K, Murooka Y.
    A novel bioremediation system for heavy metals using the symbiosis between leguminous plant and genetically engineered rhizobia.
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  • Kawaguchi M, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Koiwa H, Niwa S, IkutaA, Syono K, Akao S.
    Root, root hair, and symbiotic mutants of the model legume Lotus japonicus.
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  • Uchiumi T, Shimoda Y, Tsuruta T, Mukoyoshi Y, Suzuki A, Senoo K, Sato S, Kato T, Tabata S, Higashi S, Abe M.
    Expression of symbiotic and nonsymbiotic globin genes responding to microsymbionts on Lotus japonicus.
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  • Nakamori K, Takabatake R, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Izui K, Hata S.
    Cloning, functional expression, and mutational analysis of a cDNA for Lotus japonicus mitochondrial phosphate transporter.
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