
最終更新日: 2013年10月24日




10月 3日(木曜日) 第537回気象談話会

10月23日(水曜日) 平成25年度 第3回有機化学物質研究領域セミナー

10月31日(木曜日) 第538回気象談話会


日時: 平成25年10月3日(木曜日)
場所: 農環研本館5F、547会議室

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
High-throughput automated analysis of two dimensional positions and body lengths of earthworms (Oligochaeta); MimizuTrack KODAMA Naomi
電話 838-8202

Earthworms inhabit almost all ecosystems and are important soil macrofauna moving mainly for foraging. Their biomass is large, and their burrowing and ingestion of soils alters soil physicochemical properties. Furthermore, the mucus excreted from the surface of their skin affects the surrounding soil microbes which in turn have a strong influence on soil material flow dynamics. Also because of their huge biomass the earthworms are regarded as indicator as "soil heath". However, primarily owing to the difficulties involved in quantifying their behavior, the extent of their impact on soil material flow dynamics and "soil health" is poorly known. Image data have proven to be a powerful tool in quantifying the movements of objects, with the aid of image processing tools. Image data sets are often huge and time consuming to analyze especially if the data are continuously recorded and manually proceeded. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a system to quantify earthworm movement. Our newly developed program successfully tracked the two-dimensional positions of three separate parts of the earthworm along with its change in body length. From the output data, we estimated the velocity. The performance of the program has been verified by comparison with manually estimated data. To date, there are no existing systems to quantify earthworm activity, because they can move and stretch their bodies out of view in continuously recorded image data. The system developed in this study will reduce labor intensity and errors involved in the quantification of huge data sets and provide more reliable estimated values. In combination with other techniques, such as metabolic gas emission from the earthworm bodies, this program will provide continuous observations of earthworm behavior in response to environmental variables under laboratory conditions.


平成25年度 第3回

日時: 平成25年10月23日(水曜日)
場所: 547会議室(本館5F会議室)

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
INRA-Dijon 研究所訪問と BioMicroWorld2013(第5回国際環境,産業,応用微生物会議)に参加して 髙木 和広・
榊原 風太 
電話 838-8306

Dijon 研究所のクロルデコン汚染土壌修復研究及び国際会議での研究(主にバイレメ関連)の紹介を行います。



日時: 平成25年10月31日(木曜日)
場所: 農環研本館5F、547会議室

テーマ 講演者 連絡先
Modeling crop yields and water balance over water-limited region OKADA Masashi 桑形
電話 838-8202

Crop growth and yields in water-limited regions are affected by irrigation management as well as variations in climatic condition, especially precipitation. While many crop models can simulate the impacts of variations in precipitation on given irrigation scenarios, only a few models can simulate variations in crop yields accounting for available agricultural water resources responding to regional climatic and socioeconomic conditions. We developed a coupled model for assessing both crop yields and agricultural water resources and tested its performance, taking Songhua river watershed, Northeast China, where a major semi-arid crop-producing region in China. Results showed that the simulated mean evapotranspiration and surface soil moisture content during the growing season over the area matched with the corresponding observations. The simulated mean river discharge during the growing season fell within the range of the year-to-year variations in the observations during the past years. Also, the simulated the long-term trend and annual variations in crop yield faithfully reproduced the corresponding observations.


9月の公開セミナー セミナーに関するお問合せは各セミナーの連絡先へ
独立行政法人 農業環境技術研究所
305-8604 茨城県つくば市観音台 3-1-3