Genetically Modified Organism Research Center

Transgenic Silkworm Research Unit


  1. Kômoto N, Quan G-X, Sezutsu H, Tamura T (2009) A single-base deletion in an ABC transporter gene causes white eyes, white eggs, and translucent larval skin in the silkworm w-3oe mutant Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 39(2):152-156
  2. Shimomura M, Minami H, Suetsugu Y, Ohyanagi H, Satoh C, Antonio B, Nagamura Y, Kadono-Okuda K, Kajiwara H, Sezutsu H, Nagaraju J, Goldsmith M.R, Xia Q, Yamamoto K, Mita K (2009) KAIKObase: An integrated silkworm genome database and data mining tool BMC Genomics 10:486
  3. Tomita S, Kikuchi A (2009) Abd-B suppresses lepidopteran proleg development in posterior abdomen Developmental Biology 328(2):403-409
  4. Yonemura N, Mita K, Tamura T, Sehnal F (2009) Conservation of silk genes in Trichoptera and Lepidoptera Journal of Molecular Evolution 68(6):641-653
  5. Ito K, Kidokoro K, Sezutsu H, Nohata J, Yamamoto K, Kobayashi I, Uchino K, Kalyebi A, Eguchi R, Hara W, Tamura T, Katsuma S, Shimada T, Mita K, Kadono-Okuda K (2008) Deletion of a gene encoding an amino acid transporter in the midgut membrane causes resistance to a Bombyx parvo-like virus Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105(21):7523-7527
  6. Mase K, Iizuka T, Okada E, Nakajima K, Tamura Y, Miyazima T, Yamamoto T (2008) Breeding of the silkworm race "SERICIN FLAVO" for production of sericin cocoons containing flavono Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 77(3):171-174
  7. Sezutsu H, Tamura T, Yukuhiro K (2008) Leucine-rich fibroin gene of the Japanese wild silkmoth, Rhodinia fugax (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) European Journal of Entomology 105(4):561-566
  8. Uchino K, Sezutsu H, Imamura M, Kobayashi I, Tatematsu K, Iizuka T, Yonemura N, Mita K, Tamura T (2008) Construction of a piggyBac-based enhancer trap system for the analysis of gene function in silkworm Bombyx mori Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38(12):1165-1173
  9. Iizuka T, Mase K, Okada E, Yamamoto T (2007) Determination of the polyphagous gene (pph) locus by three-point test with visible markers in the silkworm, Bombyx mori Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 76(2):107-109
  10. Kobayashi I, Uchino K, Sezutsu H, Iizuka T, Tamura T (2007) Development of a new piggyBac vactor for generating transgenic silkworms using the kynurenine 3-mono oxygenase gene Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 76(3):145-148
  11. Okada E, Nagasaka K, Mase K (2007) Genetics of inducible antibacterial activity in larval hemolymph of the silkworm, Bombyx mori Sericologia: Revue des vers á soie 47(2):173-181
  12. Sakudoh T, Sezutsu H, Nakashima T, Kobayashi I, Fujimoto H, Uchino K, Banno Y, Iwano H, Maekawa H, Tamura T, Kataoka H, Tsuchida K (2007) Carotenoid silk coloration is controlled by a carotenoid-binding protein, a product of the Yellow blood gene Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(21):8941-8946
  13. Sezutsu H, Kajiwara H, Kojima K, Mita K, Tamura T, Tamada Y, Kameda T (2007) Identification of four major hornet silk genes with a complex of Alanine-rich and Serine-rich sequences in Vespa simillima xanthoptera Cameron Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry 71(11):2725-2734
  14. Tamura T, Kuwabara N, Uchino K, Kobayashi I, Kanda T (2007) An improved DNA injection method for silkworm eggs drastically increases the efficiency of producing transgenic silkworms Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 76(3):155-159
  15. Uchino K, Imamura M, Shimizu K, Kanda T, Tamura T (2007) Germ line transformation of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, using the transposable element Minos Molecular Genetics and Genomics 277(3):213-220