

  1. Yamaguchi H, Shimizu A, Hase Y, Tanaka A, Shikazono N, Degi K, Morishita T (2010) Effects of ion beam irradiation on mutation induction and nuclear DNA content in chrysanthemum Breeding Science 60(4):398-404
  2. Morita R, Kusaba M, Iida S, Nishio T, Nishimura M (2009) Development of PCR markers to detect the glb1 and Lgc1 mutations for the production of low easy-to-digest protein rice varieties Theoretical and Applied Genetics119:125-130
  3. Nishimura M, Morita R, Kusaba M (2009) Utilization and molecular characterization of seed protein composition mutants in rice plants Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 43(1):1-5
  4. Morita R, Sato Y, Masuda Y, Nishimura M, Kusaba M (2009) Defect in NON YELLOW COLORING 3, an α/β hydrolase-fold family protein, causes a stay green phenotype during leaf senescence in rice The Plant Journal 57:120-131
  5. Morita R, Kusaba M, Iida S, Yamaguchi H, Nishio T, Nishimura M (2009) Molecular characterization of mutations induced by gamma irradiation in rice Genes & Genetic Systems 84:361-370
  6. Yamaguchi H, Shimizu A, Hase Y, Degi K, Tanaka A, Morishita T (2009) Mutation induction with ion beam irradiation of lateral buds of chrysanthemum and analysis of chimeric structure of induced mutants Euphytica 165(1):97-103
  7. Yamaguchi H, Shimizu A, Degi K, Morishita T (2008) Effects of dose and dose rate of gamma ray irradiation on mutation induction and nuclear DNA content in chrysanthemum Breeding Science 58(3):331-335
  8. Kusaba M, Ito H, Morita R, Iida S, Sato Y, Fujimoto M, Kawasaki S, Tanaka R, Hirochika H, Nishimura M, Tanaka A (2007) Rice NON-YELLOW COLORING1 is involved in light-harvesting complex II and grana degradation during leaf senescence The Plant Cell 19(4):1362-1375
  9. Kawakami S, Kadowaki K, Morita R, Nishimura M (2007) Induction of a large deletion including the waxy locus by thermal neutron irradiation in rice Breeding Science 57(2):153-157
  10. Morita R, Kusaba M, Iida S, Nishio T, Nishimura M (2007) Knockout of glutelin genes which form a tandem array with a high level of homology in rice by gamma irradiation Genes & Genetic Systems 82(4):321-327
  11. Sato Y, Morita R, Nishimura M, Yamaguchi H, Kusaba M (2007) Mendel's green cotyledon gene encodes a positive regulator of the chlorophyll-degrading pathway Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(35):14169-1417
  12. Naito K, Kusaba M, Shikazono N, Takano T, Tanaka A, Tanisaka T Nishimura M (2005) Transmissible and nontransmissible mutations induced by irradiating Arabidopsis thaliana pollen with gamma-rays and carbon ions Genetics 169: 881-889
  13. Nishimura M, Kusaba M, Miyahara K, Nishio T, Iida S, Imbe T Sato H (2005) New Rice Varieties with Low Levels of Easy-to-digest Protein, 'LGC-Katsu' and 'LGC-Jun' Breeding science 55: 103-105
  14. Kusaba M, Miyahara K, Iida S, Fukuoka H, Takano T, Sassa H, Nishimura M Nishio T (2003) Low glutelin content1: a dominant mutation that suppresses the glutelin multigene family via RNA silencing in rice Plant Cell 15: 1455-1467
